
Bronchial asthma

   Bronchial asthma - a chronic disease of the airways , which sometimes manifested attacks of breathlessness . Its causes are extremely varied . Chief among them - increased susceptibility to various substances , as falling outside the body ( domestic , industrial , food , microbial , drugs ) and to those that are produced within the body as a result of the development of various diseases (mainly infectious ) . Provoke an attack of changes in air temperature , and various odorous substances irritating the airways , trauma and many other factors .
   Signs . Usually preceded by attacks of breathlessness other diseases respiratory system : bronchitis, which is characterized by paroxysmal cough , pneumonia , purulent sinusitis, rhinitis , tonsillitis and others. Difficulty breathing are usually not indicated . Often the attack begins suddenly , without any precursors . The patient suddenly feels the lack of air . It becomes difficult to breathe , especially exhale . Face pale and covered with cold sweat , becomes bluish . The patient tries to sit closer to the fresh air ( to the open window ) , lean on your elbows or hands . Thorax remains in the deep breath . On the neck veins swell . Rapid breathing gradually becoming rare , but still noisy dramatically lengthened exhalation. Even at a distance of a variety of audible (whistling , buzzing , screeching ) dry rales . Asthma attack lasts 15 - 20 minutes and then 1.5 - 2 hours. Sometimes longer . Then begins a dry cough , which stands a little glassy phlegm. And the patient becomes easier. Soon after the attack stops.
kind of sick person with asthma
kind of sick person with asthma
   Assistance . Medicines to relieve asthma attacks very much. Will be useful for the patient and various expectorants and warm drinks , mustard . But above all, the room where the patient is necessary to ventilate , to put all of it and odorous irritants . Then the patient should be comfortably seat and quiet ( most of these patients, especially in the first attack of breathlessness, experiencing fear) . Only after that he should be given the necessary medication . Usually the patient himself knows which of the drugs he preferred. If within half an hour - an hour after taking the medicine, the condition does not improve , call the " ambulance " .

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