
Bronchial asthma in children

   Bronchial asthma in children. Occurs predominantly in older children , at least - children of the first three years of life . Most sick children suffering from allergic rashes , eczema , exudative diathesis . These children , in response to allergens entering the body ( found in chocolate, citrus fruits , and various odorous substances ) can be easily produced by a kind of antibody. The reaction between the conditions for development of the disease. Children predisposed to asthma, asthma attacks often occur when there are signs of catarrhal state of the upper respiratory tract, developed acute respiratory viral diseases .
   Signs . A typical attack of asthma begins abruptly : breathing becomes noisy , whistling , with lingering breath labored and short breath . It is easy to see that in the act of breathing muscles include the top half of the chest and anterior abdominal wall. Pause between inhalation and exhalation is almost not noticeable . The baby's face turns blue , with an expression of fear. A child tends to take semi-sitting or sitting position and lean on something half-bent elbows hands. Attack often accompanied by dry cough intrusive . Viscous phlegm and separated with difficulty. The distance you can hear the whistling and buzzing wheezing. Thorax swells .
   In young children, the typical asthma attacks are rare. They start as a manifestation of acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, which quickly joined hindered exhalation (called obstructive syndrome ) , seizures , spastic dry cough . Often breathing quickens . Sometimes there is vomiting . Some children complain of abdominal pain caused by frequent coughing.
   Assistance . A sick child , you must first ensure peace . Caress and soothe him , by trying to be calm and quiet . Need to create a child comfortable sitting or semi-sitting position. Open the window for fresh air . To stream of cold air ratcheting bronchospasm should send it up or away from the patient. But in any case there is no hope that this will be enough . You should always call a doctor " ambulance". Often the patient is subject to hospitalization.
   Children predisposed to asthma , you need to carefully examine the allergist . There allergist doctor find out which foods provoke the onset of disease , which does not tolerate child smells , do cutaneous tests with various allergens , teach parents to conduct " food diary " and perform a variety of procedures .

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