

  ARTHRITIS IN CHILDREN. Inflammatory diseases of the joints are of different origin. Most often they occur after trauma, injuries of joints, bleeding into the joint in diseases such as hemophilia , hemorrhagic diathesis.
   Symptoms. Pain in joints , worse while driving. Manifestations of arthritis rheumatism patients have some features . Patients with one - two major joint swell , redden, become painful . More persistent pain characteristic of the so -called rheumatoid and infectious - allergic arthritis . But these diseases in children , fortunately, rare. Children often noted tenderness of the joints when ill flu , acute respiratory infections , sore throats and other illnesses . Sometimes the cause of pain in the joints and muscles of the legs is flat .
It is important to pay attention to the painful joint : to determine whether it is hot to the touch, if there is swelling, joint mobility and what occurs or worsens pain during movement in the joint, the area around the joint bruises , abrasions, bloody scars. All this indicates damage and joint inflammation .
   Assistance . If the child complains of pain in one or more joints , it must first be put to bed , to create peace affected joints. If joint pain when moving a strong need to bandage it to the wooden tavern , and so that the tavern covers joints. Designated bruises and abrasions can be greased 3% iodine solution . To reduce pain , the child may be given a pill dipyrone . Often, after the imposition of the state facilitated compress. After completing these procedures , it is necessary to call a doctor .

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