

   INSOMNIA IN CHILDREN - manifested difficulty falling asleep , or restless sleep surface with frequent awakenings and early final awakening. The total duration of sleep is shortened .
 Full insomnia is extremely rare . Called functional and organic diseases of the nervous system, internal organs , endocrine system . Occasional bad falling asleep and restless sleep - a consequence of excitation in the evening and in various diseases associated with impaired breathing and disease. Poor sleep in some children celebrated immediately after discharge from the hospital or for 2 - 3 months of age , usually due to child nervousness , or neuropathy . Besides sleep disorders observed in almost constant worry of such children. They cry , scream at the slightest provocation or without cause, bad suck breast, often vomit . They found bloating, constipation or diarrhea . This condition is caused by the wrong course of pregnancy and childbirth or genetic factors ( such a state was a child of one or both parents).
   Assistance . First of all it is necessary to clarify the cause of insomnia . Insomnia, which emerged amid signs of neuropathy after overstimulation or acute psychological trauma , is not dangerous . It is only necessary to calm the child a kind and gentle word , and further adjust its sleep and feeding. You can give him valerian preparations (pills or infusion ) .
    If insomnia is combined with severe general condition (eg , severe anxiety baby , cry , vomiting , and diarrhea , which are often in acute diseases of the brain ) , then you need to try to calm the child and immediately call a physician or " ambulance ". In such cases, the child should not bother , rock , feed , especially by force.
   alternative and environmentally friendly methods to treat insomnia in children: 
   • Pour 1 teaspoon dill juice and 1 teaspoon of honey 1 cup of milk. Store in the refrigerator for no more than one day at room temperature for more than an hour. Giving children 1 teaspoonful after eating it warm.

   • Put the child at the head of valerian root, wrapped in a gauze cloth.

   • Pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers 1 cup boiling water and infuse 1 night. Strain and give the child 1 teaspoonful 5 - 6 times a day.

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