

   Hangover occurs in chronic alcoholics and drug addicts , who were deprived of alcohol or drugs.
   Signs . Patients experience very severe mental and physical suffering : depressed or malicious, complain of insomnia , headaches, gastrointestinal disturbances , sweating, weakness . Drug users have pains in muscles and joints (" breaking ") , and sometimes convulsions. In hangover patients may commit suicide or go on a crime to get drugs or alcohol .
  Assistance . " CUT " hangover best in the hospital. Can facilitate state of patients with hot tea or coffee, abundant drink , vitamins in large doses , sedatives or hypnotics , hot or cold shower.
  alternative and environmentally friendly methods for the treatment a hangover
• Not to get drunk, it is recommended to drink a cup of tea with mint or lemon (mint and lemon in tea or coffee neutralized alcohol).
• to cause an aversion to alcohol, you need to fill in 5 grams of dry rhizome Asarum europaeum 1 cup of water, boil, drain. 1 tablespoon broth mixed with 100 ml of vodka and give drink to the patient. Duration of treatment - a few days before the appearance of aversion to alcohol.

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